Physical and Chemical Method of Sterilization

Sterilization is an amazing technique that ensures no medical and surgical instruments transmit bacterial infections to patients. Whether it is a virus, bacteria, microorganism or bacterial spores, sterilization techniques are applied to destroy all sorts of bacteria permanently.  The basic techniques of sterilization are listed below.
1. Physical Method
(a) Thermal (Heat) methods
(b) Radiation method
(c) Filtration method
2. Chemical Method

Physical Method

Wet heat method is the autoclaving process, which is the most efficient method of sterilization techniques. It is employed in micro labs for the prevention of disease-causing bacteria. Whether it is spores, virus, bacteria or microorganism, Autoclaving method is an ideal option, which is why it is the user-friendly sterilization techniques. In this process, pressurized steam is applied to the substance that is to be sterilized.
This is an effective process of sterilization for killing bacteria, virus, spores, microorganism etc. It exposes a high temperature to kill some specific bacteria. It applies intense heat in the presence of water to stimulate hydrolysis & coagulation of cellular proteins. The higher concentration of latent heat in the pressurized steam enables the autoclave to kill bacteria instantly.


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